How to become an IND recognised sponsor in the Netherlands

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Becoming an IND recognised sponsor is a great idea for Dutch companies aiming to hire highly skilled migrants. This status, granted by the Dutch Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND), is important for organisations that want to streamline the process of recruiting international talent. Or international companies that want to send part of their workforce to the Netherlands. 

But what does it mean to be an IND recognised sponsor, and what obligations come with it? That’s what we’ll talk about in this article. Let’s explore IND recognised sponsorship and everything you need to know about it.

What are the Key Benefits of Recognised Sponsorship?

Being an IND recognised sponsor doesn’t only allow you to hire skilled migrants. One of the standout benefits is the faster processing of applications. The IND aims to decide on applications within two weeks. This is much faster than standard procedures. That’s not all. Recognised sponsors gain access to a dedicated digital portal. This allows companies to focus on integrating their international employees into the Dutch workforce instead of red tape.

The Path to Recognition

To obtain recognised sponsorship status, you’ll have to submit an application to the IND. This includes meeting various obligations to ensure compliance with Dutch immigration laws. Due to the complexity of these requirements, it is highly recommended to engage with a professional company to navigate this process. We do not assist in becoming a sponsor; however, we are happy to you with an immigration law firm that does so. Whilst the IND tries to make a decision within 90 days, the process is often extended up to a maximum of 6 months.

Obligations of a Recognised Sponsor

Becoming a recognised sponsor is not just about reaping benefits; it also comes with significant responsibilities. Sponsors are subject to a set of duties including care, information, and administrative obligations. It's crucial for sponsors to remain vigilant and informed about all these responsibilities to ensure compliance and to uphold the integrity of their workforce management. For more information, we recommend paying a visit to the web page of IND on Obligations of sponsor and recognised sponsor.

Employor: Your Strategic Partner for IND Recognised Sponsorship

For businesses not yet recognised in the Netherlands as sponsors but needing to hire skilled migrants promptly, Employor offers the perfect solution. As a recognised sponsor with the Dutch Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND), you can hire skilled migrants while you wait for your own application to be processed.

What is the Benefits of Partnering with Employor?

Leveraging our status as an IND recognised sponsor, we have successfully assisted numerous companies in employing skilled migrants. This is especially beneficial for companies in the process of obtaining their own recognised sponsor status but who need to hire talent immediately. Or for international companies that want to send their workforce to the Netherlands as soon as possible. Employor's expertise offers an intermediate solution where we can temporarily employ migrants on behalf of your company. This arrangement lets you focus on your application for recognised sponsor status without delaying your hiring plans.

Flexible and Supportive Employment Solutions

Employor specialises in providing short-term assistance, enabling companies to transition smoothly once they achieve recognised sponsor status themselves. We can terminate our contract early, letting your company take over the employment of the skilled migrant as soon as your request is approved. This ensures a smooth offboarding process, managed by Employor. Hassle-free for everyone involved.

Employor also offers long-term solutions for companies that choose not to become recognised sponsors at all. Skilled migrants can remain on our payroll for an extended period. This option is ideal for businesses that prefer not to navigate the complex sponsorship process but who still want to benefit from the talents of international specialists.

IND Recognised Sponsorship becomes easy with Employor

Recognised sponsorship offers many advantages for employers aiming to hire skilled migrants in the Netherlands. But the application process is complex and sometimes requires several months. In such situations, Employor functions as a strategic intermediary, providing both short-term and long-term solutions.

Employing skilled migrants through an IND recognised sponsor like Employor allows companies to take their time in establishing their own recognised sponsorship. We facilitate the immediate employment of international talent and connect companies to immigration law firms that can help companies in their transition to becoming recognised sponsors themselves.

For companies that prefer not to undertake the process of becoming recognised sponsors, Employor offers a long-term solution by keeping skilled migrants on its payroll. Because we’re committed to providing employment solutions that cater to your unique needs.

Ready to become an IND recognised sponsor?

In summary, whether it’s knowing who to talk to with regards to an IND recognised sponsorship or providing immediate employment solutions for skilled migrants, Employor offers support. Together, we can confidently manage your employment needs, ensuring compliance and connectivity in a competitive global landscape.Find out everything you need to know for a smooth application. Or contact us, and we’ll help you with our expertise.

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